Sabtu, 21 Juni 2008

लिंक बिसनिस LINKबयूव

Jumat, 20 Juni 2008

ट्रोजन horse


Definisi Trojan

1. Trojan di dalam sistem komputer adalah suatu program yang tidak diharapkan dan disisipkan tanpa sepengetahuan pemilik komputer. Program ini kemudian dapat diaktifkan dan dikendalikan dari jarak jauh, atau dengan menggunakan timer (pewaktu).

2. Trojan adalah program apapun yang digunakan untuk melaksanakan suatu fungsi penting dan diharapkan oleh pemakai, namun kode dan fungsi di dalamnya tidak dikenal oleh pemakai. Selanjutnya program melaksanakan fungsi tak dikenal dan dikendalikan dari jarak jauh yang tidak dikehendaki oleh pemakai.


Cara kerja Trojan mirip dengan remote administration tool, dengan sifat dan fungsi yang sama.

Program remote administration misalnya pcAnywhere, digunakan untuk keperluan yang benar dan sah (legitimate), sedangkan Trojam digunakan untuk keperluan yang negatif.

Dalam aplikasi belanja online Trojan dapat digunakan untuk mencuri nomor kartu kredit dengan cara menangkap ketikan saat dilakukan proses transaksi online.

Jika sebuah komputer terinfeksi oleh Trojan dan telah dikendalikan oleh penyerangnya, maka beberapa kemungkinan dapat terjadi. Sebagai contoh, sebuah Trojan dengan nama NetBus dapat melakukan banyak hal ke komputer yang telah dikendalikan antara lain :

• menghapus file,

• mengirim dan mengambil file,

• menjalankan program-program aplikasi,

• menampilkan gambar,

• mengintip program-program yang sedang dijalankan,

• menutup program-program yang dijalankan,

• melihat apa saja yang sedang diketik,

• membuka dan menutup CD-ROM drive,

• mengirim pesan dan mengajak untuk bicara (chat),

• mematikan komputer.


  1. Trojan masuk melalui dua bagian, yaitu bagian client dan server.
  2. Ketika korban (tanpa diketahui) menjalankan komputer, kemudian penyerang akan menggunakan client untuk koneksi dengan server dan mulai menggunakan trojan. Trojan dapat bekerja dengan baik dengan jenis protokol TCP/IP, tetapi beberapa trojan juga dapat menggunakan protokol UDP dengan baik.
  3. Ketika server mulai dijalankan (pada komputer korban), Trojan umumnya mencoba untuk menyembunyikan diri di suatu tempat dalam sistem komputer tersebut.
  4. kemudian mulai “mendengarkan” di beberapa port untuk melakukan koneksi, memodifikasi registry dan atau menggunakan metode lain yaitu metode autostarting yaitu Trojan akan secara otomatis aktif saat komputer dihidupkan.


Dari berbagai macam Trojan yang telah beredar dan menginfeksi pemakai Internet, dapat diklasifikasikan berdasarkan ciri-cirinya. Menurut Dancho Danchev (2004), Trojan dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi delapan jenis, antara lain sebagai berikut:

1. Trojan Remote Access

Termasuk Trojan paling populer saat ini. Prosesnya adalah menunggu seseorang menjalankan Trojan yang berfungsi sebagai server dan jika penyerang telah memiliki IP address korban, maka penyerang dapat mengendalikan secara penuh komputer korban

2. Trojan Pengirim Password

Tujuan dari Trojan jenis ini adalah mengirimkan password yang berada di komputer korban atau di Internet ke suatu e-mail khusus yang telah disiapkan.

3. Trojan File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Fungsi yang dijalankan adalah membuka port 21 di komputer korban yang menyebabkan mempermudah seseorang memiliki FTP client untuk memasuki komputer korban tanpa password serta melakukan download atau upload file

4. Keyloggers

Keyloggers termasuk dalam jenis Trojan yang sederhana, dengan fungsi merekam atau mencatat ketukan tombol saat korban melakukan pengetikan dan menyimpannya dalam logfile. Trojan ini dapat dijalankan pada saat komputer online maupun offline.

5. Trojan Penghancur

Satu-satunya fungsi dari jenis ini adalah untuk menghancurkan dan menghapus file. Sekali terinfeksi dan tidak dapat melakukan penyelamatan maka sebagian atau bahkan semua file sistem akan hilang.

6. Trojan Denial of Service (DoS) Attack

Trojan ini mempunyai kemampuan untuk menjalankan Distributed DoS (DDoS) jika mempunyai korban yang cukup. Gagasan utamanya adalah bahwa jika penyerang mempunyai 200 korban pemakai ADSL yang telah terinfeksi, kemudian mulai menyerang korban secara serempak

7. Trojan Proxy/Wingate

Trojan Proxy/Wingate digunakan pada Telnet yang tanpa nama, ICQ, IRC, dan untuk mendaftarkan domain dengan nomor kartu kredit yang telah dicuri serta untuk aktivitas lain yang tidak sah

8. Software Detection Killers

Beberapa Trojan telah dilengkapi dengan kemampuan melumpuhkan fungsi software pendeteksi. Ketika software pendeteksi dilumpuhkan, penyerang akan mempunyai akses penuh ke komputer korban, melaksanakan beberapa aktivitas yang tidak sah, menggunakan komputer korban untuk menyerang komputer yang lain.

ओपन source

The Incredibly Easy Website Builder!

Prospect Use [of] Open Source For the Scale of Company

Last some times this many initiative having the character of " open"; start from software implementation in the form of code source which can be read ( early from source open term), to " content open " ( that is certifiable information which can just be propagated to whom free and - see citation hereunder), openCRM, office open ( open suite office), hardware open ( network, schematik, open IC desain) to " ware course open " ( MIT kuliah eye which can just be accessed by whom). Likely the spirit [of] using word " open" popular medium.

Public Library of Science
"We believe that the permanent, archival record of scientific research and ideas should neither be owned nor controlled by publishers, but should belong to the public, and should be made freely available.

We support the establishment of international online public libraries of science that contain the complete text of all published scientific articles in searchable and interlinked formats."

-- from the Public Library of Science website.

One of [the] exponent from all these [is] initiative " open" this [is] movement " source open", where code source from software can just be read by whom. Even besides can be read, this code source can be used and altered as according to each will;desire. For that emerge term " free" which is [is] virtual to be interpreted as " freedom" freedom, is not " free" meaning free of charge. Nevertheless, product which [is] beraliran " source open" usually (it) is true free of charge. Directory [in] Google.Com show the existence of 555 data ( entry) about source open, that is [in] shares " Computers > Open Source". Some famous source open product example [of] for example:

· Apache, web server

· Programming languange: perl, PHP

· Operating system: Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD

· Tools yang dikembangkan oleh Free Software Foundation (FSF) yang sering dikenal dengan nama GNU tools[1], seperti misalnya C compiler (gcc).

· Portal creation: phpnuke[2], postnuke[3]

Advantage And Disadvantage Open Source

Product Open source assumed always bring advantage, specially by [all] promotor from this source open movement. [is] Other here, [all] source anti-open show weakness or loss from source open. Let us study some source open in suffiency and advantage


To the number of energy ( SDM) to do project. Human resource represent one of [the] fundamental element in development software. Project of source open usually draw many developer. For example, Apache web server development draw thousands of people to follow mengembangan and watch.

Mistake ( bugs, error) found quicker and improve;repaired. Because its amount [of] plenty (of) nya and [is] not limited, hence possibility to detect bigger bugs. Visual [of] inspection ( eye-balling) represent one of [the] methodologies seeking [of] most effective bugs. Besides, because available code source, hence each and everyone can propose repair without having to await from vendor

"Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow. (Linus Torvalds)”

Quality of result more well guaranted. Because to the number of one who evaluate, quality of product earn is better. For example, Apache represent source open server web which is at most used [by] people [in] world. But this matter only valid for source open product which is [is] crowded to be developed [by] people. [Do] not forever source open product developed by many people. There [is] many just developed source open product by individually.

More peaceful ( secure). Because of open in character, hence source open product can be evaluated by whom even also. Scrutinity Public represent one of [the] important component in the field of security. In general (it) is true source open have peaceful potency to be more though he/she [do] not happened automatically. This matter [is] reached [by] if/when obscurity by security non becoming target the core important. ( Seeing part of Reference, Peter Neumann article

Cost effective. Most this developer [is] not paid / to be employed. Expense can be economized and used for the expenditure of which cannot be delayed, like for example buying server for the hosting of web.

[Do] not repeat development. Repetition ( wheel the re-inventing) representing extravagance. Existence of open code source make way to programmer someone to see solution which have been done by others. But practically remain to many repetition. See Freshmeat.Net situs to know to the number of product giving [is] same solution.


Lack of SDM which can exploit source open. One of [the] especial advantage from source open movement [is] the existence of the availibility of code source. But this availability become without effect if existing SDM cannot using it, cannot understand the code source. Existing SDM in the reality only can use just product. If it does, hence (are) all the same to source open product and which [is] proprietary and closed.

No Protection inexistence. Mostly people still assume that asset merupkan code source which must be taken care of its [his/its]. This matter [is] related to the level of effort which have been [released] to make the the product. Because open in character, source open earn di-abuse by people to steal others masterpiece and idea.

Readiness of source open product

Many people assume that that opened [by] code source unfavourable usually its quality and [do] not ready to vie with commercial product. Following [is] some source open product example [of] which can be used for the process of business. Complete list can be seen from various situs, like from situs " " and Sourceforge . Result of browsing cusorily [in] freshmeat show the existence of 225 project related to " Office / Business". Meanwhile [in] Sourceforge there [is] 1231 project ( data up to March 2002). If [counted/calculated] as a whole ( [do] not only product for the office of / business), hence there [is] tens of thousand source open product. Data from Sourceforge ( March 2002) showing more than 35000 project of source open. In general earn me say that source open product have ready for used [by] [at] commercial scale.

Productivity Office

  1. Star office. This Product represent kompatibel version from Microsoft Office. In the begining Staroffice represent free product which developed by Stardivision, a company [in] Germany. Later;Then this company [is] bought by Sun Microsystems and Staroffice become product from distributed Sun Microsystems free of charge. However in the end company [of] Sun will be commercial [of] this product. Instead there [is]
  2. Openoffice product " Openoffice. Representing open and free suite office product in the place of Staroffice becoming closed. Abiword represent free wordprocessor, source open, and multiplatform like shown [by] [at] above picture. But still many features which must be developed [by] before Abiword can become Microsoft Word class wordprocessor.


" Mysql “.

Mysql represent source open database which is at most used [by] people. If joined forces with Ianguage pemrograman [of] PHP and Apache server web, hence this combination represent one of [the] Internet software infrastructure

" PostgreSQL

. Representing database which also have the character of source open.


Still many other source open product to finish place [in] this handing out if have to be told one by one. There [is] finansial application, Of Sale Point ( POST), to tools to develop;build site web e-commerce. In general its use for example

1. Server Mail: sendmail, qmail, postfix

2. Server Web: apache

3. Creation Portal: phpnuke, postnuke

Many company have big which support use [of] source open product, for example IBM, and Compaq.


this Brief Handing out study about readiness of source open product, specially for the requirement of business. In general earn I inform that source open product have earned to be used to replace product which [is] proprietary. Some place, even very popular situs [in] Internet ( like Google) using source open product as part of its operation.


BAYU HADI PRASETYO born 17 juni 1988.








The Incredibly Easy Website Builder!

Munarman Ancam Lawan Bila Dipecat dari YLBHI

Perlawanan menjadi pilihan yang akan diambil oleh Ketua Dewan Pengurus YLBHI

Munarman bila diberhentikan dari jabatannya. Munarman bahkan bersikeras tidak

akan mundur bila alasannya adalah keterlibatannya menjadi tokoh Hizbut Tahrir

Indonesia (HTI).

"Kalau diberhentikan saya akan melakukan perlawanan,"

ujar Munarman saat dihubungi detikcom, Kamis (6/4/2006).


sayangnya, Munarman enggan menjelaskan bentuk perlawanan apa yang akan dia

lakukan. Ia juga mengatakan bahwa tudingan dirinya sebagai pimpinan atau tokoh

HTI tidah benar, apalagi masuk dalam struktur organisasi


"Saya bukan pimpinan, saya tidak masuk dalam struktur, bahwa

saya berkawan dengan orang-orang HTI itu iya," katanya.

Munarman juga

menjelaskan adanya spanduk yang dipampang di Jalan BDN II Cilandak, Jakarta

Selatan yang memuat foto dirinya dan bertuliskan "Munarman: Sistem Khilafah

Menjadi Jawaban Atas Seluruh Problematika Saat Ini Muncul. Saatnya Khilafah

Memimpin Dunia." Dikatakannya, spanduk itu merupakan hasil wawancara dengan

majalah Al Wa'ie terbitan bulan Maret 2006.

"Saya ditanya apakah sistem

khilafah bisa jadi pemecah masalah di Indonesia, saya jawab sebagai sebuah

alternatif sistem itu bisa memecahkan masalah," imbuhnya.


pemberhentian itu, menurut Munarman sangat mengada-ada. Ia malah mencurigai

pemecatan itu karena penolakannya atas sumbangan Tommy Winata senilai kurang

lebih Rp 100-200 juta pada saat malam penggalangan dana YLBHI pada awal tahun


"Tapi kalau dewan pembina YLBHI memecat karena alasan itu, dewan

pembina khawatir kalau Munarman malah menjadi pahlawan, maka dicari-cari

alasan lain," tandasnya.

Munarman dianggap telah menjadi tokoh dalam

HTI karena ia terlihat dalam aksi unjuk rasa bersama 10.000 orang HTI dan

Front Pembela Islam (FPI) di depan Kedutaan Besar AS pada 22 Maret lalu. Dalam

unjuk rasa itu terlihat pula sejumlah tokoh HTI lainnya

The Incredibly Easy Website Builder!

Belajar GRATIS Cari Duit Di Internet Bersama INTERNET MARKETING

3 Sebab Mengapa Pemula Internet Marketing Gagal

Masalahnya adalah banyak pemula seringkali bingung mau mulai bisnis Internet ini dari mana? Biasanya banyak dari pemula ini yang meragui apakah bisnis Internet adalah bisnis yang nyata atau hanya tipuan/scam.

Dan biasanya juga mereka yang menilai bisnis Internet adalah tipuan/scam adalah mreka yang belum/tidak mendapatkan hasil dari Internet Marketing.

Menurut Business Week, “64.2% of the businesses failed in a 10-year period”. Artinya 64.2% bisnis dalam periode 10 tahun gagal.

Bagimana dengan bisnis Internet Marketing? Saya juga tidak tahu angka yang pastinya, namun saya yakin sekali tingkat kegagalan seseorang yang baru saja mulai terjun di Internet Marketing lebih tinggi dan lebih cepat gagal.

Menurut saya, ada 3 sebab:

1. Cepat menyerah

Ketika mengalami kegagalan sementara, mereka langsung down dan tidak berdaya, lalu langsung menyerah.

Saya menggunakan kata “kegagalan sementara” karena sejujurnya memang itu, kegagalan sementara. Untuk mendapatkan hasil tentu anda harus gagal terlebih dahulu.

Mana ada pemula yang baru terjun di bisnis online langsung sukses tanpa gagal sekalipun!

Teman, saya mengatakan kepada anda sekali lagi: Tidak ada seorangpun yang menekuni suatu bidang, apapun bidang tsb, dan langsung mendapatkan hasil tanpa mengalamai kegagalan sementara.

Kalau anda sekarang sedang kerja di sebuah perusahaan dengan posisi supervisor, manager, atau direktur, coba ingat kembali apakah untuk mendapatkan posisis tsb gampang? Apakah proses mendapatkan posisi tsb selalu mulus terus tanpa ada rintangan apapun?

Tentu jawabannya tidak! Kalau mendapatkan posisi tsb gampang semua orang sudah menjadi manager dan direktur dong

2. Bingung mau mulai dari mana

Jangankan orang pemula, saya saja sampai saat ini masih mengalami information overload.

Apa itu information overload? Information overload artinya informasi yang anda peroleh terhadap sesuatu saking banyaknya sampai akhirnya anda bingung mau mulai dari mana.

Kalau dalam Internet Marketing, seringkali kita mendapatkan informasi bahwa untuk mendapatkan duit dari Internet anda harus belajar bagaimana mencipatakan produk sendiri untuk jual kepada orang lain, bagaimana menggunakan Google Adwords untuk mendatangkan traffic, bagaimana menggunakan social bookmarking dan social networking untuk meningkatkan traffic, bagaimana JV (kerjasama) dengan para Internet Marketer lainnya, bagaimana melakukan on-page atau off-page SEO yang benar untuk mendapatkan traffic dari Google, bagaimana menulis artikel untuk mendapatkan pengunjung, dll.

Kelihatannya Kenyataannya banyak sekali yang harus dikerjakan, dan akhirnya karena bingung mau mulai dari mana, kita ngomong ke diri sendiri: “ah entar aja deh gue coba pelajari lagi, pusing pala gue…”

Dan akhirnya you know dong apa yang akan terjadi?

Ya, tidak akan terjadi apa-apa karena tidak ada ACTION. Selamat kepada kita semua :)

Ketika anda bingung mau mulai dari mana, pahami posisi anda sekarang terlebih dahulu. Anda sekarang berada di mana?

Kalau anda adalah seorang pemula di Internet Marketing, tentunya untuk saat ini anda tidak perlu pelajari bagaimana JV (kerjasama) dengan para Internet Marketer lainnya, karena sudah *hampir* pasti penawaran anda kepada mereka akan ditolak.

Kecuali penawaran anda begitu dahsyat dan menarik, kalau tidak jangan harap mereka mau bekerja sama dengan anda. Coba saja anda memposisikan diri anda sebagai pakar di Internet Marketing, lalu ada newbie yang datang menawarkan kerjasama dengan anda. Kira-kira anda mau terima penawaran tsb?

Intinya adalah, anda harus menyadari diri anda ada dimana saat ini. Yang tidak perlu anda pelajari saat ini, ya di skip saja untuk saat ini. Fokus kepada ilmu dan pekerjaan yang bisa menghasilkan paling banyak untuk anda saat ini.

Tahukah anda tidak semua ilmu dan pekerjaan mempunyai kepentingan yang sama. Ada yang lebih penting, ada juga yang kurang penting, dan ini tergantung kepada posisi anda saat ini.

Pernah dengan Hukum Pareto? Dikutip dari Wikipedia:

“The Pareto principle (also known as the 80-20 rule, the law of the vital few and the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.”

Artinya 20% pekerjaan akan menghasilkan 80% penghasilan.

Sebaliknya pun sama, 80% pekerjaan akan menghasilkan 20% penghasilan.

Tugas anda dan saya tentunya adalah menentukan 20% perkejaan yang menghasilkan 80% penghasilan.

Jadi kuncinya adalah FOKUS kepada tugas dan pekerjaan anda yang paling penting saat ini.

LHA yang sering terjadi itu yang dibawah ini

3. Mau hasil instant, mau yang gampang, tidak mau bekerja keras

Saya sudah sering mengatakan bahwa untuk mendapatkan hasil dari Internet Marketing maupun dari bisnis apapun, anda MUTLAK harus sabar, MUTLAK harus mengalami frustrasi dan kegagalan terlebih dahulu, MUTLAK harus bekerja keras, dan MUTLAK harus bekerja cerdas juga.

Jadi tips untuk anda hari ini adalah:

1. Siap bekerja keras dan cerdas, sabar, dan menyaradi bahwa mendapatkan hasil dari Internet Marketing adalah sebuah proses yang sulit dan panjang :wink:

2. Kuatkan mental anda dan yakinkan kepda diri sendiri bahwa anda MUTLAK HARUS mengalami kegagalan sementara, dan maju terus :mrgreen:

3. FOKUS kepada 20% pekerjaan anda yang menghasilkan 80% penghasilan anda. Yang tidak anda perlu pelajari saat ini diabaikan saja

Saya juga masih pemula untuk bisnis ini

Artikel ini saya buat untuk sharing kepada smua temen2 yang baru ajah gabung di internet marketing

Mohon kritik dan saran untuk artikel saya ini

The Incredibly Easy Website Builder!

Inilah 10 Ide Situs Web dan Blog Penghasil Uang

Bingung mau buat bisnis online apa? Tak usah bingung lagi. Di bawah ini saya paparkan berbagai jenis situs web yang bisa anda buat untuk menghasilkan uang.

Tapi sebelum anda putuskan mau membuat situs web jenis apa, yang perlu anda pahami setiap situs web sebetulnya punya potensi sukses. Tinggal bagaimana anda mempermak situs web anda dan bagaimana mempromosikannya. Kalau anda bisa kreatif menghadirkan kebutuhan pengunjung dalam situs web, bukan hal sulit membuat situs web apapun menjadi sukses.

Hal mendasar yang perlu anda miliki adalah kemauan untuk menginvestasikan waktu, tenaga, dan dana untuk mengembangkan situs web anda. Serta selalu optimis dengan setiap langkah yang anda lakukan. Disitulah penting memiliki mindset pebisnis internet sukses.

Baiklah tanpa perlu berlama-lama, inilah ide-ide segar yang bisa anda pakai untuk membuat situs web atau blog.

  1. Blog penggemar sebuah produk. Buatlah blog tentang produk yang disukai banyak orang. Dan sebisa mungkin produknya spesifik. Contoh, anda bisa buat blog tentang Nokia. Ponsel ini banyak pemakainya di seluruh dunia. Mereka pasti membutuhkan informasi seputar produk yang dipakainya. Dengan begitu sangat mungkin traffic blog anda bisa melesat cepat. Yang penting, anda rajin meng-update informasi atau beritanya.
  2. Situs web perkenalan. Manusia adalah makhluk sosial. Suka berbincang atau kenalan dengan orang lain. Manfaatkan sifat alamiah manusia ini. Anda bisa buat situs web tentang perkenalan. Contoh suksesnya sudah dialami Markus Frind dengan Plenty of Fish-nya. Situs web milik pemuda asal Vancouver ini setiap bulan memiliki 500 juta page view dan menghasilkan $10,000 dari Adsense setiap harinya.
  3. Blog review affiliate program. Di dunia ini banyak sekali affiliate program. Anda bisa manfaatkan dengan mereview setiap affiliate. Blog tipe ini sangat berpeluang sukses. Karena seperti kita tahu affiliate program adalah model bisnis online yang paling menguntungkan. Sehingga pasti banyak dilirik oleh orang-orang. Yang penting, anda selalu rutin meng-update-nya. Kalau sudah buat, jangan lupa pula mereview ya… heheeee…

  1. Situs web produk affiliate. Kalau yang jenis ini, anda buat situs web yang menjual produk anda. Dalam situs web jenis ini, sales letter memegang peranan penting. Karena itu anda perlu perhatikan 5 unsur penting sales letter agar sales letter yang anda buat bisa membius pengunjung.
  2. Situs web keanggotaan berbayar. Situs web jenis ini biasanya berisi topik khusus yang sangat diminati banyak orang. Misal tentang cara mendapatkan uang di internet, cara hidup sukses, dan lainnya. Setiap orang yang berniat bergabung bisa anda tarik biaya pendaftaran. Bisa berupa biaya perbulan atau mungkin cukup bayar sekali seumur hidup.
  3. Forum atau social network. Anda bisa buat forum yang berisi topik menarik bagi banyak orang. Memang butuh sedikit kerja keras untuk mengembangkannya. Karena hidup-matinya forum tergantung pada komunitas. Sehingga anda harus terus-menerus mengembangkan komunitas forum ini. Seperti pernah saya singgung kiatnya dalam sukses membangun komunitas fans blog anda.
  4. Online web tool. Kalau yang ini berupa tool online seperti penyingkat URL, pengecek ejaan, kamus, pengedit gambar, file converter, dan sebagainya. Keuntungannya, asal kemampuannya bagus, pengunjung tak segan akan berulang-kali datang memanfaatkan situs web anda.
  5. Situs web jual beli. Seperti E-bay yang yang sukses besar, anda bisa ikuti jejaknya. Anda bisa buat situs web tempat orang bisa saling jual beli. Selain dari iklan, penghasilannya bisa dari komisi untuk setiap penjualan.
  6. Situs web game. Dunia bermain bukan hanya monopoli anak kecil. Semua orang suka bermain. Anda bisa memanfaatkan sifat dasar manusia ini dengan membuat situs web game online. Selain lewat biaya keanggotaan, anda juga bisa meraup uang dari iklan.
  7. Situs web hosting file. Anda bisa buat situs web hosting file yang membuat pemakainya bisa meng-upload file untuk berbagi dengan orang lain. Asal kemampuannya tak mengecewakan, pasti banyak orang yang akan memakai situs web anda.

Banyak kan jenis situs web dan blog yang bisa anda coba buat? Semuanya bisa anda sesuaikan dengan keinginan anda. Yang pasti, semakin inovatif dan semakin memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna internet, maka situs web anda akan laris manis dipenuhi pengunjung.

Kalau menurut anda, dari 10 itu mana yang paling potensial? Atau mungkin anda punya ide lainnya? Jangan lupa kritik dan saran nya yaw....

Jumat, 06 Juni 2008

Prospect Use [of] Open Source For the Scale of Company

Prospect Use [of] Open Source For the Scale of Company

          Last some times this many initiative having the character of " open"; start from software implementation in the form of code source which can be read ( early from source open term), to " content open " ( that is certifiable information which can just be propagated to whom free and - see citation hereunder), openCRM, office open ( open suite office), hardware open ( network, schematik, open IC desain) to " ware course open " ( MIT kuliah eye which can just be accessed by whom). Likely the spirit [of] using word " open" popular medium.

Public Library of Science
"We believe that the permanent, archival record of scientific research and ideas should neither be owned nor controlled by publishers, but should belong to the public, and should be made freely available.
We support the establishment of international online public libraries of science that contain the complete text of all published scientific articles in searchable and interlinked formats.

-- from the Public Library of Science website.

                     One of [the] exponent from all these [is] initiative " open" this [is] movement " source open", where code source from software can just be read by whom. Even besides can be read, this code source can be used and altered as according to each will;desire. For that emerge term " free" which is [is] virtual to be interpreted as " freedom" freedom, is not " free" meaning free of charge. Nevertheless, product which [is] beraliran " source open" usually (it) is true free of charge. Directory [in] Google.Com show the existence of 555 data ( entry) about source open, that is [in] shares " Computers > Open Source". Some famous source open product example [of] for example:

Apache, web server
• Programming languange: perl, PHP
• Operating system: Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD
• Tools yang dikembangkan oleh Free Software Foundation (FSF)

Portal creation: phpnuke , postnuke

Advantage And Disadvantage Open Source

          Product Open source assumed always bring advantage, specially by [all] promotor from this source open movement. [is] Other here, [all] source anti-open show weakness or loss from source open. Let us study some source open in suffiency and advantage


            To the number of energy ( SDM) to do project. Human resource represent one of [the] fundamental element in development software. Project of source open usually draw many developer. For example, Apache web server development draw thousands of people to follow mengembangan and watch.
             Mistake ( bugs, error) found quicker and improve;repaired. Because its amount [of] plenty (of) nya and [is] not limited, hence possibility to detect bigger bugs. Visual [of] inspection ( eye-balling) represent one of [the] methodologies seeking [of] most effective bugs. Besides, because available code source, hence each and everyone can propose repair without having to await from vendor
"Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow. (Linus Torvalds)
             Quality of result more well guaranted. Because to the number of one who evaluate, quality of product earn is better. For example, Apache represent source open server web which is at most used [by] people [in] world. But this matter only valid for source open product which is [is] crowded to be developed [by] people. [Do] not forever source open product developed by many people. There [is] many just developed source open product by individually.
              More peaceful ( secure). Because of open in character, hence source open product can be evaluated by whom even also. Scrutinity Public represent one of [the] important component in the field of security. In general (it) is true source open have peaceful potency to be more though he/she [do] not happened automatically. This matter [is] reached [by] if/when obscurity by security non becoming target the core important. ( Seeing part of Reference, Peter Neumann article
             Cost effective. Most this developer [is] not paid / to be employed. Expense can be economized and used for the expenditure of which cannot be delayed, like for example buying server for the hosting of web.
            [Do] not repeat development. Repetition ( wheel the re-inventing) representing extravagance. Existence of open code source make way to programmer someone to see solution which have been done by others. But practically remain to many repetition. See Freshmeat.Net situs to know to the number of product giving [is] same solution.


             Lack of SDM which can exploit source open. One of [the] especial advantage from source open movement [is] the existence of the availibility of code source. But this availability become without effect if existing SDM cannot using it, cannot understand the code source. Existing SDM in the reality only can use just product. If it does, hence (are) all the same to source open product and which [is] proprietary and closed.
             No Protection inexistence. Mostly people still assume that asset merupkan code source which must be taken care of its [his/its]. This matter [is] related to the level of effort which have been [released] to make the the product. Because open in character, source open earn di-abuse by people to steal others masterpiece and idea.

Readiness of source open product

          Many people assume that that opened [by] code source unfavourable usually its quality and [do] not ready to vie with commercial product. Following [is] some source open product example [of] which can be used for the process of business. Complete list can be seen from various situs, like from situs " " and Sourceforge . Result of browsing cusorily [in] freshmeat show the existence of 225 project related to " Office / Business". Meanwhile [in] Sourceforge there [is] 1231 project ( data up to March 2002). If [counted/calculated] as a whole ( [do] not only product for the office of / business), hence there [is] tens of thousand source open product. Data from Sourceforge ( March 2002) showing more than 35000 project of source open. In general earn me say that source open product have ready for used [by] [at] commercial scale.

Productivity Office

1. Star office. This Product represent kompatibel version from Microsoft Office. In the begining Staroffice represent free product which developed by Stardivision, a company [in] Germany. Later;Then this company [is] bought by Sun Microsystems and Staroffice become product from distributed Sun Microsystems free of charge. However in the end company [of] Sun will be commercial [of] this product. Instead there [is]
2. Openoffice product " Openoffice. Representing open and free suite office product in the place of Staroffice becoming closed. Abiword represent free wordprocessor, source open, and multiplatform like shown [by] [at] above picture. But still many features which must be developed [by] before Abiword can become Microsoft Word class wordprocessor.


" Mysql “.
Mysql represent source open database which is at most used [by] people. If joined forces with Ianguage pemrograman [of] PHP and Apache server web, hence this combination represent one of [the] Internet software infrastructure

" PostgreSQL
. Representing database which also have the character of source open.


Still many other source open product to finish place [in] this handing out if have to be told one by one. There [is] finansial application, Of Sale Point ( POST), to tools to develop;build site web e-commerce. In general its use for example
1. Server Mail: sendmail, qmail, postfix
2. Server Web: apache
3. Creation Portal: phpnuke, postnuke

Many company have big which support use [of] source open product, for example IBM, and Compaq.


          this Brief Handing out study about readiness of source open product, specially for the requirement of business. In general earn I inform that source open product have earned to be used to replace product which [is] proprietary. Some place, even very popular situs [in] Internet ( like Google) using source open product as part of its operation.

BAYU HADI PRASETYO born 17 juni 1988.



             Motor Fuel Irrigate A lot have know Voll Yohanis Bosco research into Suzuki Smash aliance fuel irrigate and gasoline. Hammer man finding, this Middle Sulawesi [is] fanciful and invite many question. How come irrigate busidan fire burrn yield transferred [to] explosion become motion energi?

          MINGLING GASOLINE AND this first WATER Step (it) is true make to surprise. Kok gasoline mingled [by] water. how can be homogeneous?“its physically do not compound, but chemically can compound,” clear [of] Voll Yohanis Bosco which met [by] [in] Technological Title Precisely Utilize [in] Manado Convention Center. its Gasoline Formula chemistry [of] And water C8H12 ( H2O) mixed with comparison 1:4. Its calculation 1 can mixed gasoline litre 4 water litre. Its meaning 80% water and 20% bensine.

             DECANTED TO TANK LIKE. Not trust if from verbal no sense. Beken man called [by] that Boy [is] direct [of] praktik alone. Gasoline Decanting mixture. and water into original gas tank [of] Smash. But have modification with cover model thread let more closer Cuuur&Hellip; new [of] decant and closed [by] civil public servant ( Laboring PNS) [in] Radio Republic Of Indonesia RRI, Hammer, this Middle Sulawesi, rustless and perfect ought to really.. Motor tank have to [is] made from steel.STEP stainless or fiber

                ANIMATED So starter machine, pure air ( without gasoline vapour) from carburettor enter to [go] to space burn. Previously karbu function as non-aktif gasoline sprayer. Its intention which weared only its [of] just nya to arrange debitudara. Concurrent with air enter space burn, gasoline mixture and water from tank conducted to pass small pipe [go] to reactor. Mixture bensin-air volume arranged with faucet. & its [of] nya opened [by] a few/little ,& rdquo; clear [of] Boy.Reaktor like tubular tube, but bigger than fuel hose. & ldquo;Nah, [in] this reactor [is] yielded [by] conducted uapbensin [go] to space burn to pass manifold intake ( angsa),&rdquo neck; mention Mr. Its it[him] condense air and gasoline meet [in] space burn and piston compress. Hereinafter BURN spark plug fire and happened [by] combustion. Machine even also live to pass cycle 1 ini.

                    POLUTAN BECOME FUEL RECYCLE After life machine yield gas throw away result of combustion which is in the form of CO polutan ( carbon monoxide) and CO2(KARBON dioxide). Last from hole throw away to be poured into reactor. That Polutan react with water ( H2O) in reactor and yield CH4 gas or metane.Metane have the nature of like gasoline vapour. For the recycle of conducted to [go] to space burn to pass manifold intake.

BAYU HADI PRASETYO born 17 juni 1988.

fire of water


            Governmental subsidy [of] indonesia for the BBM OF year 2007 have reached 50,64 billion rupiah Really burden which very heavily to present government continue to experience of budget deficit. Whereas, oil fuel price ( BBM) progressively bounce up though its consumption increasing. Do not only that, use [of] BBM also cause dangerous gas emission which [is] very to environment and health. Attitude that thing [is], BBM substitution alternative energy exploration continue to be [done/conducted]. Not yet this old, [all] researcher [in] University Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta ( UMY) succeed to find new energy from water, which have been patented by the name of Banyugeni
           By name, Banyugeni, this energi come from water ( hidrofuel). inspiration Research [of] this hidrofuel come from Al-Qur’An sentence, as told by Rector UMY, Dr Khoiruddin Bashori, " At-Thur Sentence 6 sounding to pay attention sea which [is] have fire,
Al-Anbiya’ sentence 30 and We make from water everything live, and
At-Takwir sentence 6, and if sea heated
           Pursuant to the sentence, [all] UMY researcher cope to accommodate technology signal which [is] is written in al-Qur’an, by [doing/conducting] development and research
Banyugeni have product variant in the form of hidro-kerosene ( equivalent [of] kerosene), hidro-diesel ( equivalent [of] diesel fuel), hidro -premium ( equivalent [of] gasoline), and hidro-avtur ( equivalent [of] jet propulsion fuel). That product will continue to be developed to get best quality [of] nya
               To yield hidrofuel, used [by] technology “ mekanotermal-elektrokemis” including four kinds of process that is mechanic ( motion), thermal ( hot), chemically and electrics. Solidarity to that four process, with raw material irrigate is very [of] natural, will yield some friendly oil fuel product [of] environment and [do] not generate pollution to environment. Obstetrical [of] element and nature of oil fuel which have been processed [by] [at] Banyugeni enable direct it used [by] [at] machine without beforehand alter or modify component
                   Result of test drive show hidro-kerosene earn used direct to fire primus stove, oil lamp or petromak. Hidro-Diesel earn direct used [by] [at] diesel engine or car with diesel fuel fuel, and hidro-premium earn direct used [by] [at] car, berbahan machine or motor burn aeromodeling plane and gasoline. Whereas hidro-avtur have test [at] material machine burn jet propulsion for example for the plane of aeromodeling
That product [is] used peaceful. Is not corrosive have, very low emission [to], and [do] not leave over many remains
                  Result of examination to hidro-kerosene show that the people fuel is not corrosive ( corrosion strip copper 1a), IBP 161oC, nontoxic and [do] not have emission ( total [of] sulphur 0,03 % wt from max 0,2 % permitted wt) and [do] not leave remains ( only 0,5 % vol). [At] examination with oil lamp, hidro-kerosene [do] not generate abundant soot smoke
That product have been tested [by] [in] PT Corelab Indonesia, a independent international laboratory. Its result by assuring to indicate that is fourth [of] that Banyugeni variant have fulfilled Director General gas standard
                    This Research continue will be developed, not even [at] laboratory level, but also industrial level so that can fulfill requirement [of] energy [at] transportation sector, industrial sector, and domestic sector at the price of cheap. this [is] Implication product development [is] very wide [of], like production cost mitigation all sector, and directly will economize state budget for the subsidy of.
Hidro-Premium [do] not have the character of corrosive so that [do] not cause

                     Not many to be phrased here because my basic non technique chemical , or people which always struggle with reaction tubes and book which make dizzy head
Only might possibly because now people have very confused at the price of BBM which continue and will continue to bounce up, till start people DREAM to be able to use WATER upon which burn To reach a[n big target, dream very required [so that/ to be] can it. Possible begin from dream also, in the reality JOGJA people there [is] which [is] fad think bizzare to make water upon which burn
the reality from dream that's now have been found [by] BBM substitution which make is confused. Through long experiment and research and facility by one of [the] University [in] Jogjakarta, UMY in the reality have found substitution fuel steaming from water
BANYUGENI….. That' S them give name. And in the reality have been test-drived and outstanding success, for home (kompor house, oil lamp), vehicle [of] motor, diesel, and even forwards upon which burn plane, because have been test-drived with aeromodelling plane prototype, without having to re-engine vehicle
                 And have been opened by Regent Bantul H. Idham Samawi, and will immediately [in] patenting And believed [by] its price will much more [is] cheap compared to present BBM, although BANYUGENI process have to [pass/through] 4 step dissociation [of] ngerti caw mbuh element
You surely know big what a BBM influence to prosperity [of] Indonesia people and World
Hydro Welcome [of] kerosine, hidrofuel, hidrodiesel, and hidroavtur
Live INDONESIA…………..HIDUP Wong Jogja

BAYU HADI PRASETYO born 17 juni 1988.



          crowded Term Blue Energy sudden in the current week because news [in] newspaper which bombast enough by saying that this Blue Energy Version Indonesia [of] elementary materials [of] sea water. Even this fuel also only by using diesel engine, without modification again. Please read its its [his] Mr. President SBY
Blue Energy or Oil Indonesia Coalescing [is] made of [by] synthetic fuel [is] hydrogen molecule substitution and un satiated Carbon. Process of him [is] equal to fossil oil, but with much more low emission rate
              Bali : President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Monday ( 3 / 12) evening, accepting Heru Lelono report, Chief Team Blue Energy, about growth attempt [of] fuel of[is non named [by] fossil [is] Blue Energy or Oil Indonesia Coalesce. Blue Energy or Oil Indonesia Coalescing [is] made of [by] synthetic fuel [is] hydrogen molecule substitution and unsatiated Carbon. Process of him [is] equal to fossil oil, but with much more low emission rate
              entourage Vehicle [of] berbahan burn Blue Energy leave from residency [of] SBY [in] Beautiful Puri Cikeas [of] Sunday ( 25 / 11) evening. [In] Bali, this entourage follow water clean eksebisi, vehicle clean and fuel clean go together carrying out of International Conference [of] Climate Change on 3-14 December 2007. " Our taking part in is to indicate that Indonesian nation child can look for answer to problem faced, specially hit fuel," Heru word to journalist
According to Heru, car type which enter in team for example two Ford Ranger 2500 CC, one Isuzu Panther 2500 CC Diesel, one Mazda Familia 1800 CC and also one Bus Mitsubishi 4000 CC. " Entire/All that car can reach Denpasar, and direct checked [by] [in] workshop provided with appliance test emission from PBB. Its Result, entire/all car in a condition very good," clear [of] Heru
                     Team Expedition Blue Energy also have tried to use the sintetis oil [at] diesel engine [in] Plateau Dieng. " Usually if using diesel fuel fuel will be direct [of] frost if hushed [by] semalaman. But sintetis oil have been tried [by] semalaman over there, and direct morning after [of] start us in the reality can " Heru word, consorted [by] Jubir President, Andi A. Mallarangeng
Word Andi, President SBY greet creative efforts goodness [of] nation child to look for alternative energi of[is non fossil. " Whether thatBio Fuel, Energi Surya and wind. And in consequence, President support such efforts and expect that efforts can become big scale effort which can fulfill requirement [of] our energi," [is] clear [of] Andi close performed [a] [by] news conference [in front/ahead] of Cobweb Ballroom, Hotel Nikko, Nusa Two, Bali.
What is blue energy .....?????
                     [There] no one correct sentence which I find to define Blue Energy. Term Blue energy only term which [is] often weared to name the source of friendly energy producer [of] environment. Blue [is] often considered to be blue sky manifestation and or free and clear blue sea [of] pollution. There [is] also which [is] term as energy green, because assumed [by] friendly energy [of] environment
                 Source of energy which mentioned over and over as Blue Energy oftentimes stem from source of new energy [is] including the source of non-fossil energy, or more precisely the non energy based carbon, its meaning [of] its base materials non in the form of enchaining carbon. For Example Energy Water Sea, Energy Geothermal, Energy Wind, sun energy, and others
But as long as history journey, carbon energy still represent easiest energy to be processed and got, transport [is] also exploited. Including in it [is] Bio energy. Bio Energy alone still represent Carbon Based, or still in the form of carbon network. Source of this Bio energy can stem from Biogas, Bio Ethanol, castor oil, cooking oil ( CPO-CRUNE Palm Oil) turned into [is] Bio diesel etc

Elementary Materials Energy[of] Carbon ( Carbon Based Energy)
           Initially combustion [of] carbon as this source of power [is] started from coal exploiting or charcoal stone which [is] course still represent carbon network ( C). But in course of exploiting or conversion its It s [his], this stone charcoal [is] burned [is] off hand wear to heat water. Warm-Up irrigate this which change hot energy become pressure energy and cause movement [of] piston. And that's initially steam engine by James Watt. What finally piston energy condense also can yield electrics like PLTUAP ( materials burn coal
Petroleum upon which burn is present day.
                that Carbon fuel [is] including fossil fuel ( oil, coal and gas) as well as in fact Bio ethanol and Biogas-Pun of[is including Carbon Based Energy, its intention represent energy steaming from combustion enchain H-C ( Hydrogen And Carbon). In this Carbon Based Energy exploiting [is] needed [by] combustion engine ( combustible) in yielding energy to be weared. this Based energy Carbon start crowded when met [by] oil drilled by the end of 1800-an. In Indonesia seeking [of] its oil also have very old, even Talaga Said well ( Sumatra North) including [both/ second] drilling [in] world. drilled [by] year 1885
               Petroleum exploiting alone finally mount sharply since year 1950-an ( PD II pasca) because [is] also supported by invention [of] combustion engine which finally locking ( terkunci) [among/between] motor machine burn with its fuel. locking [of] Machine with this fuel cause requirement [of] coal decline sharply in its use. Become declining it use [of] this coal non effect of coal decreasing reserve and also [his/its] production
               At the height of technology and also the make-up of human life level, requirement [of] energy mount. requirement [of] Petroleum of course mount as according to standard of living. Progressively the increasing of requirement [of] this petroleum cause oil price continue up One side finally exactly claim human being to file down other fuel so that needn't re-engine but making oil made in ( synfuel)
1. Synfuel dari Coal Gasification:
• Gasification 2C + ½O2 + H2O → 2CO + H2
• Water gas shift CO + H2O → H2 + CO2
• F-T reaction CO + 2H2 → CH2 + H2O
• Net reaction 2C + H2O+ ½O2 → CH2 + CO2
          This process need 2C and semi O2 and yield one CO2 to each ;every produced CH2. Its meaning replace oil with synthetic fuel from coal ( syn fuel coal) will duplicate till 3 times fold use [of] coal and yield twofold CO2

(F-T or Fischer- Tropsch reaction is reacted (2n+1)H2 + nCO → CnH(2n+2) + nH2O

2. Synfue lfrom Coal Gasification + H2 H2 from dissociation [of] water:
• Gasification C + 1/4O2 + 1/2H2O → CO + 1/2H2
• Water-splitting 3/2H2O + Energy → 3/2H2 + 3/4O2
• F-T reaction CO + 2H2 → CH2 + H2O
• Net reaction C + H2O + Energy → CH2 + 1/2O2
With addition [of] hydrogen ( H2) in course of this have improved the process of synfuel from coal. requirement [of] Carbon become to decrease half from previously. and [THERE] NO CO2 which follow to be produced

3. Synfuel from CO2 arrest ( CO2 Capture + H2 from dissociation [of] water ( Water-Splitting Reverse Water Gas Shift CO2 + H2 → CO + H2O
• Reverse Water Gas Shift CO2 + H2 → CO + H2O
• F-T reaction CO + 2H2 → CH2 + H2O
• Water-splitting 3H2O + Energy → 3H2 + 3/2O2
• Net reaction CO2 + H2O + Energy → CH2 + 3/2O2
            There] no needed coal as source of Carbon. requiring CO2 to produce one part of CH2. And when CH2 burned [by] hence CO2 emission become zero because its process take CO2

CO2 where from ?
How if now ITS it[him] [is] also taken away from [by] air. Hiya Loooh might possibly, kan ?. (It) is true really there [is] a CO2 arrest method from the air, its appliance also there [are] CO2 capturing. One of them by exploiting discharged carbon by gas flue referred [as]

Flue Gas
Powerplant ( generating) coal fuel equal to 1000MW yielding 5.5 million CO2 of tons / year or predict to predict ( 14,500 tons / day). [In] just american about 53% ( 0.38TWh) from totalizeing its power station use coal and yield 2 CO2 of tons billion / this year [is] the same totalize required CO2 for the transportation of in one year !! Become with recycle “ gas flue” or gas flue have can cut 50% carbon emission
Earn [is] also weared with CO2 the capturer from the air. Yes catch free from the air. Even in this time have been produced [by] although still for the research of that is CO2 arrest from the air like side this
Become by totally if all these process have become process which can be [done/conducted] in a sinthetic oil factory will happened process recycle really blue carbon

BAYU HADI PRASETYO born 17 juni 1988.

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