Jumat, 15 Agustus 2008

SEO The First Step Of Passive Income

SEO The First Step Of Passive Income

SEO (Search Engine Optimation) is ways which related to webbing and blogging. There are many ways that included in SEO. SEO it self is aimed to get a web which can be found easily as it has high rank in google or the other search engine eyes.
Study SEO done by many people who take seriously in internet marketing. They Study ways that they get from the other blogger. It can from meeting or from e-book that they can get from online buying. But most of blogger spent their time to study and practice their knowledge about SEO directly, so they just study SEO from meeting rarely.

Basically there are many ways how to optimize a web, but currently I know are by making articles that included a keyword. It also can be carried out by visiting and give comment to the other blog. Based on My SEO senior experiences it needs 6 months at least to get success in SEO. More over it will reach in that time if a blogger update it every day, as often as possible.

Actually the final of studying SEO is not getting high rank in a search engine based on a keyword. But it is to place adsense that will give passive income for blog owner. It has taken kore attention of blogger as there are many blogger who have get income from blogging. Logically a web will easy to appear when a keyword was typed if it has high rank means that it easy to be found by google or the other search engine.

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